
About Me

Hello! I'm Natasha and welcome to my blog :)

This is a jump-off of my first blog, Life as I Live it: A Bucket List in Progress, where I've been chronicling the meaningful accomplishments of my 'life list'.  I began to want to blog about things that aren't on my bucket list, but didn't have a place to really do that - since it really didn't fit in with the theme of my first blog.  I've realized that it's not fair to my life to just live it accomplishment-to-accomplishment, that even the most mundane aspects of my life are worth blogging about too (even if no one else reads them, gasp!).

I will continue to blog about my bucket list, but here, on this blog - I'll write about other things.  Just because it's not an accomplishment or being crossed off of a list, doesn't mean it's not important!

So, I created this blog as a space for me to write about anything and everything that interests me.  My travels (of which I hope there will be many!), cooking adventures, life experiences, and random thoughts or inspirations.